Items in our collection are available via our contactless pickup service. Use our online catalog to locate the item and submit a request. Our staff will pull the book and check it out to you. You will receive an "On Hold Shelf" email notification when the item is ready for pickup in the Ames Library.
Already noted at appropriate points in the Overview above is the fact that the Library offers a scanning service. Essays or chapters or entries in books-on-paper as well as articles in periodicals-on-paper owned by SPU and present in the Ames Library are subject to this. Thus, faculty, staff, and students may request that a scan of 1) one essay, chapter, or entry per book-on-paper or 2) up to two articles per issue-on-paper be sent to their SPU e-mail address. The scanning process can take 3-4 business days to complete. To request a scan of an item, use the InterLibrary Loan department's ARTICLE and BOOK CHAPTER request forms, as appropriate.
Step 1: Find a citation, using a database, Google Scholar as accessed via an SPU database list, or the SPU Library's discovery system. (You may, of course, have been simply given a citation (author, title, date, etc.).)
Step 2: Determine whether you're looking at the citation of
Immediate Access via the SPU Library or the Internet
Step 3: Look for an indication of the presence of full-text (for example an icon indicating the presence of PDF or HTML). (SPU and other full text indexed by Google Scholar will appear in that venue, too, if accessed via SPU database lists.)
Step 4: Check For Full Text (link in database) or, if nothing appears, search for the periodical containing the article in the SPU Library's discovery system. Conduct an Advanced Search for the journal (not article) title in the SPU Library's discovery system. Thus, Title contains "Theological studies", limited to Material Type: Journals and Search Scope: SPU Library:
Screenshot of SPU catalog search screen with Search Scope; Main Search Bar; and Material Type Dropdown highlighted showing search for title "Theological Studies" and Material Type "Journals." Screenshot of top three results of ensuing search: three results of journals called "Theological Studies" and including availability and access information.
This will tell you if the Library subscribes to or holds the periodical (and which issues of it) in
Step 5: Look for the periodical homepage over the Internet. Some respectable journals make at least some back issues available at no charge from their own websites.
Access within 1 day via a Seattle Library
Step 6: Consult the catalog of another library here in Seattle, for example those of the Seattle or King County public library systems. SPU students can access the resources of public libraries after applying for a public library card online in the case of Seattle Public Library, or with your local library.
Access within 3-5 business days via InterLibrary Loan
Step 7: Request via Interlibrary Loan (link in database) allows you to request the article (or essay) via InterLibrary Loan. To do this, click within an SPU database on Request via Interlibrary Loan or proceed to Search Request form. Most (though not all) items requested via InterLibrary Loan become available within a few days.