Full text in the form of 1) books, 2) essays or chapters in books, and 3) articles in periodicals (magazines, journals, etc.), among 4) other things, is available via the catalogs and databases of public as well as academic libraries. Here, however, we focus for now on finding online public-library full text in that third category in particular.
Everyone who is currently a student at or an employee of Seattle Pacific University is eligible for a Seattle Public Library card. Follow these directions to procure one.
To find the full text of an online journal accessible via the Seattle Public Library, follow these steps:
1) Visit the Seattle Public Library website. Click on Online Resources, then Magazines & Newspapers.
Screenshot of the Seattle Public Library homepage with Online Resources and then Magazines & Newspapers highlighted.
2) To the right is Search for Online Magazines, Newspapers & Journals > Find a Journal:
Screenshot of the Seattle Public Library Magazines & Newspapers page with Search for Online Magazines, Newspapers & Journals > Find a Journal highlighted.
The databases offered by the Seattle Public Library—not all of which are article databases (i.e. periodical indices)—are listed by category (and also from A-Z) under Online Resources on SPL's home page:
Screenshot of the Seattle Public Library homepage with the contents of the Online Resources drop-down menu highlighted.
A link to the Seattle Public Library "book" catalog is located beneath the Search box associated, on the SPL home page, with What would you like to find?
Screen shot of the Seattle Public Library homepage with Go to catalog link highlighted.