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Finding Full Text: SPU and Beyond

Use this guide to find out how to get the full text of desired books and articles, beginning with the Overview.


There are other examples of known-item searching on the pages above.  The purpose of this page is to supply two quick and fairly reliable ways of coming up with the full text of known articles available in electronic form.  (To find the full text of a known book, or of an essay in a known book, you would simply search the SPU Library's discovery system—or, failing that, Libraries Worldwide (WorldCat)—for the book, as outlined on our Overview.  To find the full text of known articles unavailable in electronic form via SPU, you would go through the rest of process outlined on that same Home page as well.)

Let's say that your professor has said that you must read "The Lord's Supper in the Reformed Confessions," by B. A. Gerrish, but has not supplied the article itself.  In the following boxes are two quick and fairly reliable methods for locating the full text if available in SPU-mediated electronic form.

Searching Several SPU Databases at Once

The first way would be to search all EBSCOhost (or all ProQuest) databases at once.

To do this with the larger group of all EBSCOhost databases, go to the SPU Library's home page, select Article and Research Databases,

SPU Library catalog with "Articles and Research Databases" highlighted

and then the multidisciplinary SPU database Academic Search Complete.

Under Multidisciplinary Databases, "Academic Search Complete" is highlighted

Choose Databases,

Academic Search Complete search with "Choose Databases" highlighted

Select all,

Under "Choose Databases" "Select/ deselect all" is highlighted

and Search:

search results with "PDF Full Text" highlighted

You can do the same from any ProQuest database, for example the other multidisciplinary SPU database Research Library Complete, a link to which is located just below the link to Academic Search Complete on the Article and Research Databases page, as depicted above:

ProQuest search with "Databases" highlighted

Searching the "SPU" Database Google Scholar

To search the "SPU" database Google Scholar, that is, Google Scholar as linked to SPU-mediated full text, click on the link to Google Scholar at G on the Library's Article and Research Databases page:

SPU Library database search with "A-Z Databases" and "Google Scholar" highlighted

Accessing Google Scholar from the Library's Article and Research Databases page gives you a second one-stop-shopping search of the bulk of SPU-mediated full text in electronic form.  Look for the link Full-Text@SPU Library:

Google Scholar search results with "Full-Text@SPU Library" highlighted