Not sure if the library has access to the material you need for your online course?
Wondering if the library could purchase an e-book? Other questions?
Contact your librarian!
Legal online materials include (but are not limited to):
Search for them:
Link to or embed resources that are legally available online.*
Linking to (or embedding) a resource directs the user to the original source rather than making a separate copy, so in essence, you’re crediting the author, following license agreements, and complying with copyright, all without having to think about it!
Side benefit – for our licensed library content, linking counts as usage in our statistics. When librarians know what journals and e-books are being highly used, we’ll aim to continue and/or expand access to those resources.
*Linking or embedding resources ensures full compliance with copyright, as well as ensuring accurate use statistics for library resources.
**Kanopy films are typically limited to one-year licenses due to cost considerations. If you plan to assign a film for class, contact your librarian to ensure access or fill out the request form in Kanopy.
Streaming a complete film in your online course will nearly always require a streaming license.*
If you need to stream a full-length film in your course,
*Regarding full-length films in online teaching, the in-class exception typically used for face-to-face teaching does not apply, the TEACH Act does not apply (it could apply for short clips of films), there are additional restrictions with the DMCA, and fair use would generally not apply. Fair use could only be considered if there are no streaming license options available.