Step 1: Go to the SPU Library catalog and enter a title or keywords from a book you'd like to locate as an e-book.
*SPU Primo screenshot with search for title Structural Equation Modeling with Amos entered in search box
Step 2: Choose "eBooks" from the Format menu on the right and select Apply Filters.
Important Note: SPU users can only access e-books owned by SPU. Books owned by Summit Libraries are not accessible to SPU users. SPU users include current faculty, staff, and students. Alumni and guests cannot access certain SPU e-books, even from on campus.
*screenshot of search results in SPU Primo, with eBooks checked under Format and green Apply Filters option in lower right corner.
E-books with “Online access" are available for SPU users. Click Online access or the book title to locate the e-book link from the View It section of the book info.
To continue searching for more title as e-books, mouse-over and click on the lock icon that appears on the eBooks filter.
*screenshot of results page in SPU Primo, showing an eBook entitled Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS with the online access information and option to lock current filters circled.