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GRK 1102/6102 THEO 6102 Koine Greek II. History of Exegesis/Interpretation Assignment (Ewald)

Use snippet collections and catenae

Snippet collections in English translation.  For example,

More than one period:

  • The Eerdmans series The Church's Bible (not really a "snippet" collection).
  • Biblia ClerusSearch[ing] a Biblical text and its commentary "allows you to locate specific references to Sacred Scripture made by Doctors of the Church and the Magisterium."
  • The series Blackwell Bible commentaries (not actually collections of period commentary, but rather an example of a series that commments theologically on the biblical book in question with reference to the entire history of exegesis/interpretation/reception).


  • The IVP series Ancient Christian commentary on Scripture.
  • Catena aurea (and others).  Thomas Aquinas' Catena aurea is readily available online.


  • The Eerdmans series The Bible in medieval tradition (not really a "snippet" collection).

Reformation / Early Modern:

  • The IVP series Reformation commentary on Scripture.

Snippet collections in the original.  These tend to be organized by passage.  For example,

Patristic period (there are also various catalogs--as distinguished from full-text collections--of these, just for example in Clavis patrum graecorum 4 and the 3rd edition of Clavis patrum latinorum):


Use indices comparatively "global", for example:

Use indices comparatively "local", i.e. indices associated with particular authors, works (collected, critical collected, or otherwise), editions, translations, anthologies, etc. For example,

  • Drobner.  Bibelindex zu den Werken Gregors von Nyssa.  1988.  Unavailable via Summit borrowing, unfortunately.
  • La Bonnardière, .  Biblia Augustiniana.  7 vols.  1960-1975.  Unavailable via Summit borrowing, unfortunately.  Seems to be a cross between an index and an extensive study.
  • Wiles.  A scripture index to the works of Saint Augustine in English translation.  1995.  Unavailable via Summit borrowing, unfortunately.
  • Yoder & Hochstetler.  Biblical references in Anabaptist writings.  1969.  REF BX8143 .M5Y6 1969.

Here are three examples of Scripture indices, the first from the Mourant & Collinge translation of Augustine's Four anti-Pelagian writings (FC 86), the second from the Corpus Christianorum edition of the Sermons of Peter Damien (CCCM 57), and the third from the Index to the whole of Luther's Works (American edition).  (Prefer, however, indices to the full-blown critical editions in the original languages, as these are likely to be the most complete.)

Index of Holy Scripture


Index Locorvm S. Scriptvrae


Scripture Index

Use full-text databases like:

  • Archive of Celtic Latin Literature.  Unavailable here, unfortunately.
  • Library of Latin Texts A University of Washington CD-ROM.  Alternatively,
    • Patrologia Latina.  A University of Washington database.
  • Thesaurus Linguae GraecaeA University of Washington database.  Alternatively,
    • Patrologiae Graecae.

Use patrologies, handbooks, and period- or discipline-specific serial (and non-serial) bibliographies

Patrologies, handbooks, and period- or discipline-specific serial and non-serial bibliographies should be used to turn up snippets of commentary published in the form of articles in journals or books, and theses or dissertations.  Here is an example of a (comparatively extensive) sermon on Jn 14:28 that I turned up in the handbook or non-serial annotated bibliography entitled the Handbook of patristic exegesis:

  • Amphilochius of Iconium, Homily (or.) on Jn 14:28, trans. into English by C. Moss in Muséon 43 (1930):  317-364.

Serial bibliographies for the Patristic and Medieval periods are listed under Find (Commentary in) Articles, Patristic and Medieval; those for the Reformation and Early Modern periods are listed under Find (Commentary in) Articles, Reformation / Early Modern.