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BIO 3351 Microbiology

Additional Assistance

Carrie Fry | Sciences Librarian | 206.281.2124

For the week of May 19-25, 2024

(Updated 5/22/2024)


Wednesday May 22nd:

  • In person 4-5pm (rm 130 in the library)
  • Checking Teams and Email regularly throughout the day
  • Will check Teams and Email for the final time at 8pm

Thursday May 23rd:

  • In person 9:30-11am & noon-5pm (library main floor)
  • Checking Teams and Email regularly throughout the day
  • Will check Teams and Email for the final time at 8pm

Friday May 24th:

  • Checking Teams and Email periodically throughout the day
  • Will check Teams and Email for the final time at 8pm

Use Microsoft Teams to chat 

Book an online appointment (limited availability at peak times)