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Undergraduate Nursing Resources

Find the Full Text of an Article

How to get the full-text of an article:

Note: The library discovery system lists all journals the SPU students have access to, no matter the format (print or online).  At any time you can check to see if SPU has access to a title by searching from the box on the library homepage.

decorative: screencapture of the library search widget

Here are the steps to get full-text as you find citations of interest in an SPU database:

 1.      If you are already searching a library database check for a full-text link within the database.

          Here is an example where Full-text is available from this database vendor (e.g. EBSCO or ProQuest):


          In this example, click on the 'check for full-text' link to see if SPU has full text from any of our journal article suppliers:


3.      Check Google Scholar to see if the full article is available for free online:

           google scholar screen capture showing full text links

         Log into Google Scholar as an SPU student to see Full-Text@SPU Library links in addition to free articles.

4.      Check for online full-text from any other place you may have online database access for example:

a.      Your local public library (May not hold many scholarly titles, but you may be surprised by what they do offer.)

b.     If you go in-person to other area universities you can usually download full-text articles from their databases.

5.      Check to see if SPU has access to the journal title in any format:


Using the SPU Catalog link you can check to see if we have access to the title in paper, microfilm, or online.

If we own the title in paper, you can come into the library to make a photocopy or scan, but for print or microfilm you may also use the Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery form to request a scan. 

 6.      If you do not have access to the article any other way:

Fill out the Interlibrary Loan request form and we will try to get a copy of the article for you.  Please see the library’s Interlibrary Loan page for more information.