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In PsycINFO, limit your results by methodology on the left side of the search results page.
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MEDLINE is a research database that covers all areas of healthcare, including psychological healthcare. Use this database to locate psychology articles from a medical perspective.
MeSH 2024 is similar to APA PsycInfo's Thesaurus. Search for subject terms here to find articles all about that topic. For example, to search on the subject of human experimentation,
A keyword generally refers to a term that occurs anywhere in an article, including the title, author, subjects, or abstract. To search this way in PsycINFO, use the Select a Field (Optional) designation rather than Keyword, since using Keyword from the search drop-down menu will only search specific keyword tags.
*Tip: Using an asterisk to truncate the end of a word will yield both all variations of that word (e.g. self-regulat* will locate self-regulation, self-regulate, and self-regulatory)
A subject is a term assigned to a book or article to describe its content. Using a database's Thesaurus or Subject Terms can help you find the specific term(s) that the database uses to describe your topic. It can help you differentiate between similar terms, such as Conservation (Concept) vs. Conservation (Ecological Behavior).
Step 1: Click on Thesaurus at the top of the search page.
Step 2: Search for keywords related to your topic, such as metacognition. Then choose Browse.
Step 3: Check the box for the subject term for which you'd like to search. You can also click on the term for more information, such as a description of the term or broader, narrower, or related terms.
Step 4: Then Add the subject term to your search. If you are searching for multiple keywords, repeat steps 1 and 2 and add multiple subject terms to a single search using AND (to narrow search) or OR (to broaden search).
Step 5: Then click Search.