Todos iguales : un corrido de Lemon Grove = All equal : a ballad of Lemon Grove by Christy HaleCall Number: JUV LC214.23.L46 H35 2019
Publication Date: 2019
Carter G. Woodson Book Award Elementary Honor, 2020
"The story of the 1931 Lemon Grove incident, in which Mexican families in southern California won the first school desegregation case in United States history. Told in Spanish and English. Includes a corrido (ballad), and information about the people involved and events leading up to and after the court case ruling."--Provided by publisher."
A Roberto Álvarez le encantaba la escuala. Junto con otros niños mexicoamericanos, asistió a la escuela de Lemon Grove, donde todos los estudiantes, mexicoamericanos y angloamericanos estudiaban juntos como iguales. En el verano de 1930, las familias mexicanas se enteraron de un plan para segregar a sus hijos en una escuela pequeña e inferior. Negándose a dejar que esto sucediera, los padres se organizaron. Presentaron una demanda contra el consejo escolar, con Roberto, de doce años, como demandante. El 12 de marzo de 1931, el juez anunció su fallo, apoyando el derecho de los niño a la igualdad de educación. Los estudiantes mexicoamericanos fueron reincoporados de inmediato en la escuela de Lemon Grove para aprender una vez más como iguales. Con ilustraciones fascinantes inspiradas en las antiguas etiquetas en las cajas de cítricos, Christy Hale le da vida a la historia poco conocida del primer caso exitoso de desgregación escolar en los Estados Unidos. Es un testimonio conmovedor de una comunidad de inmigrantes y su tenacidad en la lucha por la igualdad educativa. =
Roberto Álvarez loved school. Along with other Mexican American children, he attended the Lemon Grove school, where all students - Mexican American and Anglo - studied together as equals. In the summer of 1930, the Mexican families learned of a plan to segregate their children in a small, inferior school. Refusing to let this happen, the parents organized. They filed a lawsuit against the school board, with twelve-year-old Roberto as the plaintiff. on March 12, 1931, the judge announced his ruling, supporting the children's right to equal education. The Mexican American students were immediately reinstated in the Lemon Grove School to learn as equals once again. With captivating illustrations inspired by vintage citrus crate labels, Christy Hale brings to life the little-known story of the first successful school desegregation case in the United States. It stands as an empowering testament to an immigrant community and its tenacity in the fight for educational equality.--From dust jacket.
"The story of the 1931 Lemon Grove incident, in which Mexican families in southern California won the first school desegregation case in United States history. Told in Spanish and English. Includes a corrido (ballad), and information about the people involved and events leading up to and after the court case ruling"--Provided by publisher."