Encyclopedic dictionary of the Christian East, 2nd ed., rev. & expanded by Edward G. Farrugia, S.J (Editor)
Call Number: REF BX100.7 .D5313 2015
Publication Date: 2015
Rome: Pontifical Oriental Institute. xxxv + 1965 pages. Includes a set of maps entitled Atlas hierarchicus Ecclesiarum Catholicarum Orientalium, from Michael Lacko's 1972 publication of the same title. A 3rd ed. is in progress.
New Westminster Dictionary of Church History. Ed. Benedetto. Vol. 1: The Early, Medieval, and Reformation Eras
An online version of the Mennonite encyclopedia (ed. Bender et al., 5 vols., REF BX8106 .M37), itself a translation of and expansion on the Mennonitisches Lexikon (ed. Hege und Neff, 4 vols., BX8106 .M4 1913), which is being supplied with a fifth, supplementary volume online.
Historical Dictionary of Lutheranism. Ed. Gassmann.