Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters . . .für die Zeit von 1150 bis 1350. Ed. Schneyer. 11 vols. 1969-1990. Summit (University of Washington Suzzallo & Allen Libraries Baker Auxiliary Stacks 189.05 BE). 2nd verb. u. erg. Augl., 1979- . Indexing is by Latin incipit or phrase. So look your biblical text up in the Vulgate, and then the Latin (Ps 142:8: Ad te levavi animam; Mt 5:3: Beati pauperes; John 14:1: Non turbetur cor) in vols. 10-11. For more information, see the "Wegweiser" on pp. VII-X of vol. 10.
für die Zeit von 1350 bis 1500. Ed. Hödl & Knoch. CD-ROM. 2001. Unavailable via Summit borrowing, unfortunately.