Vision Statement
Drawing upon writing center and composition pedagogy, best practices in supporting students, and scholarship that rethinks what a learning environment might look like, The SPU Research, Reading, and Writing Studio integrates writing center and reference desk services to create a place where students learn to be writers and researchers.We are committed to providing academic support to all students in order to increase student success.
Guiding Principles
We understand the importance of written expression and work to help students reach their writing goals.
We believe that writing is a social act since there is at least one writer and one reader entering into a relationship around a piece of writing.
We believe that writing is diverse, complex, and deeply contextual.
We are committed to sharing authority and power both in managing The Studio and also in the writing assistant/writer relationship.
We follow a student-centered approach to instruction and strongly encourage the development of student agency.
We embrace a shared vision through entwined service, seeking to create a collaborative, responsive working environment for student tutors and librarians conducive to personal and professional growth.
We respect the dignity of every human being, value each writer’s unique voice, and teach writers that they might retain their individuality even as they write in and for the academy.
Students identify and apply appropriate reading, research, and writing strategies for academic work.
Students develop agency in order to become more independent in creating their writing.