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Student Engagement and Student Success in the Classroom

Academic Journal Articles

Listed below are recent academic articles on college student belonging available in full text through the SPU Library or open access. Search for more materials using the Library Catalog and Library Research Databases. Reach out to a librarian for assistance!


Ahn, M. Y., & Davis, H. H. (2023). Students’ sense of belonging and their socio-economic status in higher education: a quantitative approach. Teaching in Higher Education, 28(1), 136–149. SPU Library Access
Chrobak, B. (2024). Narrowing (Achievement) Gaps in Higher Education with a Social-Belonging Intervention: A Systematic Review. Educational Psychology Review, 36(1), 33. SPU Library Access
Covarrubias, R. (2024). What does it mean to belong? An interdisciplinary integration of theory and research on belonging. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 18(1), e12858. SPU Library Access
Dias, D. (2022). The Higher Education Commitment Challenge: Impacts of Physical and Cultural Dimensions in the First-Year Students’ Sense of Belonging. Education Sciences, 12(4), 231. Open Access
DiGiacomo, D. K., Usher, E. L., Han, J., Abney, J. M., Cole, A. E., & Patterson, J. T. (2023). The benefits of belonging: Students’ perceptions of their online learning experiences. Distance Education, 44(1), 24–39. SPU Library Access
Dopmeijer, J. M., Schutgens, C. A. E., Kappe, F. R., Gubbels, N., Visscher, T. L. S., Jongen, E. M. M., Bovens, R. H. L. M., De Jonge, J. M., Bos, A. E. R., & Wiers, R. W. (2022). The role of performance pressure, loneliness and sense of belonging in predicting burnout symptoms in students in higher education. PLOS ONE, 17(12), e0267175. Open Access
Gravett, K., & Ajjawi, R. (2022). Belonging as situated practice. Studies in Higher Education, 47(7), 1386–1396. SPU Library Access
Increasing Belongingness Through a Strengths-Based Approach. (2023, June 12). Diverse: Issues In Higher Education. SPU Library Access
Laemmli, T., Grodsky, E., & Macgregor, L. C. (2022). Going Places: Firstā€Generation College Students Framing Higher Education 1. Sociological Forum, 37(4), 972–994. SPU Library Access
Ménard, A. D., Pitre, A., Milidrag, L., & Chittle, L. (2024). Students’ descriptions of belonging experiences in post-secondary settings. Learning Environments Research. SPU Library Access
Thies, T., & Falk, S. (2023). International Students in Higher Education: Extracurricular Activities and Social Interactions as Predictors of University Belonging. Research in Higher Education, 64(8), 1143–1164. SPU Library Access
Veldman, J., Meeussen, L., & Van Laar, C. (2023). Social background concealment among first-generation students: The role of social belonging and academic achievement concerns. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 26(3), 762–778. SPU Library Access