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WRI 1100: Aaberg

APA Basics

APA Style Websites

APA style is the standard for formatting papers and citing references in the social sciences.

Database Citation Tools

Use citation tools within article databases to simplify the process of creating your list of references.  

Here's how:

  • Select the title of the article you want to cite.

Article title

  • Look for a tools section and click on Cite.

Under "Tools", the "Cite" option is highlighted.

  • Copy and paste the article citation into your list of references.


  • Verify the citation against official APA style sources, as citations from databases can often be formatted incorrectly.


SPU Primo Citation Tools

Use citation tools within SPU Primo to simplify the process of creating your list of references.  

Here's how:

  • Identify the book/video you want to cite and click on one of the options listed under the title information.

  • Under Actions on the right, select Citation to view options for citing the work in APA, MLA or Chicago/Turabian. You may also choose to export the citation to a citation managment tool such as RefWorks.

  • Verify the citation against official APA style sources, as citations can often be formatted incorrectly.


export manager with "Direct Export to Reworks" option highlighted


RefWorks is a tool for managing all your citations.

  • Organize citations into folders by class or topic.
  • Automatically create formatted references lists.
  • Use within Word to create formatted in-text citations.

Learn more on the  RefWorks libguide.

You can export citations from many databases into RefWorks.  Just look for an "Export" link.

Examples of different information resources.