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UCOR 3000

To request a Scan, use the Search Request Form in the box below

To request a scan (one chapter or essay per book, one article per journal issue), use the Search Request Form, filling out either the Book Chapter or the Article form as appropriate.  (An InterLibrary Loan request placed from within an SPU database should fill these forms out fairly automatically.)

Contactless Pickup

To reduce foot traffic and maintain the safety of our collections, our stacks are currently closed to patrons. If you would like an item from our collection (or from one of our partner libraries), please use our online catalog to locate the item and submit a request. Our staff will pull the book and check it out to you. You will receive an "On Hold Shelf" email notification when the item is ready for pickup.  

Requests should be made in advance and will be processed at regular intervals throughout the day. We apologize that we cannot accommodate on the spot requests.  

All items (SPU-owned, Summit and ILL) can be picked up in the Reading Room on the Main Floor of the Ames Library.    

If you have questions, please email or call (206) 281-2228.