Making Classroom Assessments Reliable and Valid by Robert J. MarzanoCall Number: LB3051.M4577 2018 EBOOK unlimited users
Publication Date: 2017
Ch. 1. Discussing the classroom assessment paradigm for validity -- ch. 2. Designing and scoring parallel assessments -- ch. 3. Discussing the CA paradigm for reliability -- ch. 4. Measuring growth for groups of students -- ch. 5. Transforming the system using the new classroom assessment paradigms.
This book details why classroom assessments (CAs) should become the primary method for formally measuring student learning and growth over time and outlines how teachers, schools, and districts can design CAs that are equally if not more reliable and valid than traditional large-scale assessments. It looks at the importance of and future role of classroom assessment and explores three mathematical models of reliability, as well as the three major types of validity.
Includes bibliographical references and index.