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Reserve a Library Study Room

Library Study Rooms

Ames Library offers 15 study rooms that students can reserve. Each room accommodates 3 to 8 people and features various seating arrangements. Most rooms are also equipped with a desk, whiteboard, and monitor.

Students may reserve study rooms in two ways:

  1. Reserve Space  Selecting "Reserve Space" from the library homepage.
  2. QR code on study room door  Scanning the QR code* outside a room to be reserved.

*For best results, computer access rather than mobile tends to be more reliable.

Video tutorial (2:54)

Step-by-step directions

  1. Sign into the portal to reserve a library room (or another space on campus), using your SPU credentials. RoomFinder Sign In page
  2. Next to "Library -- Reserve a Study Room," select book now.EMS Roomfinder page showing Library Study Room book now
  3. Under "Date & Time," either select a date and time in the future or to extend the length of the room reservation. Or simply select "Search" to browse available study rooms and make a one-hour reservation. You may make two reservations per day, up to four hours total.Study Room reservation area to select future date and time
  4. From here, you can view the availability for the library study rooms. To learn more about each room's details and features, select the room name (e.g., End Room Main). To reserve a room, select the green plus sign to the left of the room name.
  5. Select the blue Next Step button in the top right corner. Next Step button to reserve room
  6. Name your event. This name will be shown publicly on the reservation page. Some possible examples: study, PSY group project B, private, online meeting.
  7. Under Group Details, select your name as the reservation organizer. 
  8. Check the box at the bottom of the page to agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  9. Select the green Create Reservation button to finalize your room reservation. green Create Reservation button in bottom right corner of page

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are there study rooms currently available?
    • Sign into the Room Reservation system, select Search (under date & time), and you'll be able to browse which rooms are currently available.
  • Where are the study rooms located?
    • Lower Level: Media Room Lower
    • Main Level: End Room Main
    • 2nd Level: End Room Second, 2-A through 2-D, and Media Room 2nd Level
    • 3rd Level: End Room Third, 3-A through 3-F
  • Do I have to reserve a study room in advance to use it?
    • No, you are welcome to enter and use a room that is currently available. However, if someone else reserves that room in the system, their reservation takes priority.
  • May I use a room for individual study?
    • Yes, you may, though perhaps consider how busy the study rooms are at the time and if larger groups may need them.
  • Are there dry erase pens available for the whiteboards in the study rooms?
    • Yes, there should be some available on the whiteboard. If not, ask for more at the library Front Desk.
  • Are study rooms soundproof?
    • No, sound does carry to other areas nearby. Please be considerate of those around when you are working in groups and use a quieter voice.
  • May I use a study room for a private online meeting or class? 
    • Yes, though keep in mind that the rooms are not soundproof. For online meetings, the Media Room 2nd Level study room is ideal.
  • How do I revise or cancel my reservation?
    • Sign into the Room Reservation system and use the My Events tab on the left side of the page to click on the reservation name and either cancel or revise your reservation.