This subject guide contains, for the time being, but a single substantive tab: a short list of Dictionaries & Encyclopediasonly (!). I may fill it out with other tabs as time permits.
Dictionaries and encyclopedias of liturgy and worship specifically (selected English)
"A-Z of the study of Catholic liturgy." In the T & T Clark companiion to liturgy, pp. 499-551. Ed. Alcuin Ried. 2016. REF (on order).
New Westminster dictionary of liturgy and worship. Ed. Bradshaw. 2002. REF BV173 .N49 2002.
Perri & Rocca. Thesaurus of religious objects: furniture, objects, linen, clothing and musical instruments of the Roman Catholic faith. Éditions du patrimoine, 1999. REF BX1925 .T48 1999.
Beautifully illustrated. Begin with the English "Index of terms" on pp. 394-399.
According to Daniel Galadza, who recommends also the 2nd rev. & enlarged 1961 edition of Wellesz' A history of Byzantine music and hymnography, the ODB covers the terminology of Byzantine liturgical studies rather well.
"Glossary." Appendix III to The Festal Menaion translated from the original Greek by Mother Mary . . . and Archimandrite Kallistos Ware. St. Tikhon's Seminary Press, 1998. BX375 .M37A44 1990.
New dictionary of sacramental worship. Ed. Fink. Liturgical Press, 1990. REF BV173 .N485 1990
Hughes. Liturgical terms for music students: a dictionary. Scholarly Press, Inc., [1940]. REF ML108 .H85L5 1972.
Podhradsky. New dictionary of the liturgy. Trans. Walls & Barry. Ed. Sheppard. Alba House, 1966. REF BV173 .P613 1967.
As mounted by Herder for the Zeitschrift der Liturgischen Institute Deutschlands, Österreichs, und der Schweiz.
Dictionnaire encyclopédique de la liturgie. Ed. Sartore, Triacca, & Delhougne. 2 vols. Brepols, 2002.
A revision of the Nuovo dizionario di liturgia of 1984. Comparable to the DACL in ambition, but focuses on the post-Vatican-II liturgy of the Catholic Church. Refers to older forms in the course of treating that. Vol. 2 concludes with a "Lexique liturgique".
Floristán. Diccionario abreviado de liturgia. Verbo Divino, 2001.
Exultet: encyclopédie pratique de la liturgie. Ed. Renier. Paris: Bayard, 2000.
Onasch, Konrad. Lexikon Liturgie und Kunst der Ostkirche: unter Berücksichtigung der alten Kirche. Rev. ed. Berlin: Buchverlag Union 1993.
Revised edition of Kunst und Liturgie der Ostkirche in Stichworten: unter Berücksichtigung der alten Kirche (Wien: H. Böhlau, 1981).
"Clugnet was a very eminent Byzantinist whose work on hagiography is still respected and used" (the Rev. Dr. Alistair Stewart-Sykes, in a note to me dated 26 April 2014).