What's the difference?
Scholarly articles and books engage in educated conversation on a topic. They often communicate new resesarch findings or review that of others. Usually, they are peer-reviewed, which means they've been reviewed by others in their discipline prior to being published.
Popular articles and books are intended to entertain, inform, or persuade their audience.
In most databases, you can easily identify scholarly articles by checking the box to limit to peer-reviewed articles.
The SPU Library pays for you to access the full text of thousands of articles (most of which are not available for free on the Internet) through the Article and Research Databases (also linked on the left side of the library's homepage)
Appropriate Databases for Literary Research
Look for publication type on the left side of your results to choose either academic journals or magazines/newspapers
*You can search all these at the same time! Open one of them and then click on "Choose Databases" above the search boxes to add the others. You can also add all the databases.
Obtaining the Full Text of an Article:
Choose Google Scholar from the SPU Articles & Databases page to be connected to full text when available through the SPU Library system.