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WRI 1100: Pratt

Science Databases

Refining your Topic

Choosing a topic:

1. Choose any topic in the universe  (or as assigned by your professor)

 e.g. Patient Safety

2. Be a little more specific about your topic

e.g. Medication errors

3. Be a lot more specific about your topic,

e.g.  Medication errors and nursing role in preveiontion

4. Repeat these steps a few more times to give yourself a few examples of topics to choose from.

Narrowing your topic:

1. Make one or two words more specific,

e.g. Medication errors  IV drugs dosage errors and bedside nurses role in prevention

2. Turn your topic into a complete sentence that actually makes a statement

e.g. Bedside nurses have a critical role in preventing intravenious drug dosage errors.

3. Make the sentence a precise and arguable as possible

e.g. By following existing care standards and practices in the preparation and diministration of IV medicines,  bedside nurses have a critical role in improving patient safety and preventing medication errors in the pediatric hospital setting. (CINAHL Search)

Adapted from: Choosing and Narrowing a Topic to Write About (for Research Papers)

Some additional ways to broaden or narrow your topic (MIT Libraries: Selecting a Research Topic)

Evaluating a Source